יום שבת, 30 בספטמבר 2017

A wake up call - Last mile security

Due to my recent finding in verity of automotive last mile devices, I think we must wake up and start to secure the new era of transportation.

There are missing ISO, no regulation and no defense line.
Government are loosing control, and there is no legal way to secure the streets.
People are buying exposed devices, with anti thief mechanism which is in fact the best Trojan horse, backdoor.

Others are having full control of their bikes, and it's so cool so they don't see the side effect the new risk. 

Simple VIN number is all needed for some of the devices, and sometime it's even shown in the SSID.

I like this revolution, I love robots but we must do something before it will be too late. 

This is black flag 

Some companies made good devices, but the amount of conversion wireless kits out there, being operated with BMS/RTU/PLC must be taken care ASAP.
Connected scooters
Connected Bike
Connected Robots
Connected OneWheel
Connected  Skateboard
Connected Drones

I think the word Internet of things, is totally wrong, the focus should be any wireless connection, WIFI/BT/BLE/2.4/GSM/GPS/etc.

 The internet it's not a necessary needed in order to deploy attack, it's time to protect bikes and scooters


Regarding Cellular Antennas IDs, WiFi Signatures from Routers and Bluetooth Devices in Aerial Navigation

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